Is Your Digital Device Slowly Blinding You?

LED blue light is considered one of the top innovations of the digital age, and it illuminates virtually every digital screen today. But what most people are unaware of is that some LED lights are harmful to eyes. In fact, the consequences can result in vision damage, and this has resulted in many purchasing anti-blue light glasses.

What Is Artificial Blue Light?

Blue light is in the electromagnetic spectrum and forms part of the visible portion to which we are exposed daily. It can be found everywhere, from everyday light that is radiated by the sun, and even more characteristic today, artificial light that emits from digital devices, like smart devices, and televisions or laptops. It does offer some positive effects, like regulating our bio rhythm or our biological clock, and controlling our sleep-wake cycle. But there are also some negatives aspects to this light source.

The Health Risks We Don’t Know About

There’s a global obsession with smartphones. Anywhere you look around whether it be while walking, in restaurants, riding public transportation, or at work, staring into a digital device has become the norm. These artificial sources of blue light are ubiquitous. You can find them permeated in our professional and private lives. However, that brings with it a whole range of health risks, from tired eyes to retinal diseases.

Researchers have discovered that blue light can cause damage to the retina and the photo receptor cells. In addition to the over exposure to blue light, researchers say it’s exacerbated by the length of time we are exposed to this light, and this causes lots of eyestrain. Due to the energy emitted by blue light, it flickers more than other light. In addition, it fades more, so long-term eye fatigue and headaches are the result. Nearly 70 percent of adults who regularly use electronic devices, with these bright luminous blue light displays inform doctors about tired irritated eye symptoms, that range from vision that is impaired to overly dry and headaches.

In addition to eye strain, artificial blue light disturbs our bio-rhythm clock by slowing down the excretion of melatonin, especially during the evenings. Researchers say this explains the large increase in the number of people complaining of sleep disorders or suffering from insomnia. Additionally, optometrist point out that constant access to this adverse light is attributable to age-related macular degeneration. Unfortunately, in the long-term, retina cells can be irretrievably destroyed. This is the most common cause of eye disease, resulting in blindness.

How Do We Counteract Blue Light?

Blue light is everywhere, even in sunlight. And artificial light sources are increasingly being used in digital and home products. Optometrist recommend wearing glasses that reduce and absorb harmful blue light, which not only offer protection, but can help balance our sleep-wake internal clocks. As new products are manufactured, modifications to artificial lights are being implemented, but for now, take several breaks from your device throughout the day, protect eyes in sunlight, and purchase glasses that protect from eye strain.

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